Evaluation service

Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions

Understanding whether new care pathways and interventions are effective, efficient, and deliver value for money is vital. The Covid-19 pandemic has also put unprecedented stress on existing care pathways – in some cases highlighting weaknesses or opportunities for improvement which had previously gone unnoticed. Our evaluation service provides you with the evidence base needed to make judgements on the interventions you deliver.

We use real-world data to evaluate the impact of innovations with a strong focus on health outcomes and the real difference they make to patients. We also work closely with you to tailor evaluation reports based on gaps in the evidence and the perspective of the evaluation.

Our evaluation service includes:

  • Early stage advice on evidence needed for adoption of innovation
  • Working with clients to develop research studies and pilot programmes
  • Monitoring and evaluation of pilots including:
    • Economic evaluations to demonstrate possible cost effectiveness and potential cost savings
    • Generating evidence to support health technology assessments (HTAs) and adoption

Learn about our economic evaluation.

Our specialist services

This is a small selection of all the solutions we can provide.