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Improving Population Health Management through bespoke training

As NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) ICS went through a restructuring, it recognised the opportunity to improve interaction between analysts and decision makers to better deliver Population Health Management (PHM). ICS leaders called upon the Health Economics Unit to design and deliver bespoke training suitable for all stakeholders, covering both the theory and practical application of this impactful way of working

Design through understanding

As BNSSG was in the process of restructuring, this offered a timely opportunity to help teams learn about the PHM cycle and their roles in it, as well as helping them to form better working relationships between analysts and decision makers to get the most out of the new structure as it is being formed. Through careful and in-depth scoping with the client we designed a programme that addressed the needs of the organisation and provided the tools for them to build on the processes already in place.

The programme focussed on a one-day face-to-face session to bring everyone together and to cover the fundamentals of the PHM cycle; with a further four virtual sessions covering topics including decision making, relationships and system working. During these sessions, breakout rooms and online tools such as Miro were used to allow participants to actively engage and ask questions. This also encouraged team building and dialogue amongst internal colleagues, ensuring all learning was as sustainable and impactful as possible.

The final session consolidated all the learning and required the attendees to draw on the previous sessions to share experiences, whilst also allowing them to suggest topics for a “fishbowl” session. In this session attendees observed the discussion between the course presenters, to further their understanding on topics they had deemed to be of the most importance.

Full programme synopsis for BNSSG Population Health Management training.
Full programme synopsis for BNSSG Population Health Management training.

Feedback for each session was gathered via online forms and a five-part quiz was developed to better gauge understanding and present the opportunity for a certificate to be earned; giving attendees an accreditation on top of their gained knowledge.

I’ve really enjoyed it and people here have really enjoyed and benefited from some real investment in them and making the system work. The training met my expectations – I’m very happy with the content and delivery structure. The timeline worked well, I really liked the break to let people consolidate their thoughts.
Nick Hassey, Head of Population Health Management Academy, BNSSG ICS

Turning theory into practice

The timing of any training is a critical component in not only how effective a training programme is, but how well it is received and implemented once the sessions are over. In this instance, working with BNSSG at a time of transformation, with multiple teams being restructured, provided a perfect opportunity to address areas of focus. This created a common understanding, allow teams to share similar language, enhance their skills, and build new interpersonal relationships.

The in-depth involvement of the client and the thorough scoping of the project led to a completely bespoke five-session programme that delivered on the aims set out at inception. During the final session round up several attendees commented on how they are implementing what they have learned, and are seeing a difference in their output and interactions as a result.

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