Matt Grek arms folded

30 March 2022

Matt Grek on why we publish

In our ever-pulsating digital world, it feels like there is infinite shelf space for more and more content. In this blog Matt Grek explains the Health Economics Unit approach to publishing content. 

Actually, at the Health Economics Unit, we don’t just publish content for the sake of it- we believe in sharing our knowledge. So we not only aim to publish our work and research, but we also attempt to make it interesting for you to read! You, dear reader, are busy, so we want to do what we can to help prepare you for the future of healthcare.

There are four key things we try to do with our content.

  1. Publish stuff that is worth reading
  2. Share our learning and research
  3. Make it accessible to the people that are interested in reading it
  4. Being open to feedback and improvement.

1. Publish stuff that is worth reading

In a nutshell, what we are trying to do is publish ‘stuff’ that is worth reading, that spreads ideas, creates connections and helps to improve the work that the NHS does, creating positive change.

2. Share our learning and research

Our vision is the best possible health and care through evidence-based decision-making. Sharing our learning and research with peers across health and care in the U.K. and beyond is vital in achieving this. We encourage peers (or, more simply, you) to understand, share and challenge our work and its findings. So that means publishing things that we think people like you will read.

3. Make it accessible to the people that are interested in reading it

We publish and disseminate our studies, research and activities via a range of channels including academic journals, professional conferences, events and workshops, NHS and healthcare working groups, partner and client websites, our own website and social media channels, including Twitter and LinkedIn. We also use comment pieces in relevant professional journals and video interviews and live webinars to explain findings. There are a lot of channels we can choose from, and we use the most relevant to people interested in the kind of work we do.

4. Being open to feedback and improvement

Finally, we love commentary and feedback on our publications. That means we are eager to hear from you about how we are doing. We read all comments on social media, and we want to listen and act on what you say to us and about us.

We really want to know:

  • Are our articles and content useful?
  • What ideas do you think we need to explore in greater depth?
  • Who do you want to hear more from and who do you want to connect with?
  • Where do you think we’re missing the mark and what can we do better?

So get in touch with us on Twitter or Linkedin, or send us general feedback at

Author: Matt Grek

Matt GrekMatt loves working on things that make positive change in health. He works with our teams, partners and clients to spread ideas, create connections and help them achieve their aims.

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