25 July 2024

Sharing our impactful work at HACA 2024

Just one year after its inception, the Health and Care Analytics conference (HACA) has become an essential opportunity to share outstanding work, hear from brilliant speakers and meet incredible people […]

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12 July 2024

Sharing our Population Health Management expertise internationally

As one of the leading theorists and practitioners of Population Health Management in the UK, the Health Economics Unit’s Andi Orlowski was invited by the World Health Organization(WHO)to share his […]

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9 July 2024

A HEUristic approach to STEM

At the Health Economics Unit collaboration is one of our core values, and one loud and proud example of this is our team band, The HEUristics. Covering songs ranging from […]

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19 April 2024

Join the HEU team at the Digital Healthcare Show

At the Health Economics Unit we are passionate about driving change in healthcare through digital tech, data, innovation and transformation. That is why we’re excited to be sharing our work, […]

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22 November 2022

Population health management: How systems work together

This online training session during day 3 of Insight 2022 brings together Population Health Management experts Andi Orlowski, of the Health Economics Unit, and Sally Markwell of Oxford Brookes,  to look at the underlying […]

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16 May 2022

Why population health is the future

The Health Economics Unit’s director, Andi Orlowski, recently spoke at the Pulse PCN London forum about how primary care networks (PCNs) can use their deep understanding of local populations to […]

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16 December 2021

Levelling up for the future: the impact of COVID on cancer care

Andi Orlowski, Director at the Health Economics Unit (HEU), and his colleague Heather Humphreys joined DATA-CAN’s James Peach, Deborah Lancaster (former Head of Market Access, Novartis UK) and Heather Moses […]

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25 October 2021

NHS-R Conference 2021

The NHS-R Community is running its fourth annual conference during the first two weeks of November 2021. The conference promotes the use of R in the NHS and takes place […]

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21 October 2021

The most valuable value

Watch the debate as experts from the NHS, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and academia discuss the challenges of finding value through efficiency and allocating resources appropriately. […]

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15 October 2021

Sharing your awesomeness

We do incredible work every day in health and care, not just those on the frontlines, but also analysts, economists, communications professionals and everyone who is working behind the scenes […]

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12 August 2021

COVID-19 and cancer: Our opportunity to maximise recovery in the NHS and beyond

Andi Orlowski, Director at the Health Economics Unit (HEU), presented at the HSJ National Cancer Virtual Forum on 8 April 2021. It was one of a series of HSJ webinars that […]

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28 June 2021

Embracing digital data is key to bring health products to market

Adopting a forward-thinking approach to digital technology – and the opportunities it offers for data collection – will become increasingly vital for companies looking to see their products incorporated by […]

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19 May 2021

Machine learning challenge launch

On 19 May 2021 and working with NHS England & NHS Improvement (NHSEI) and NHSX we launched the AnalystX machine learning challenge. Creating a predictive model that will help the […]

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6 May 2021

Join us for data linkage workshop

We are hosting a series of NHS England commissioned workshops during May 2021 to help develop a ‘how-to guide’ for data-linkage, connecting health and social care datasets. If you are […]

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21 April 2021

Precision Medicine: Empowering the Patient Event

Recent advances in genomics, imaging and biomarkers are translating into the development and use of increasing specific therapeutics — medicines that target individual pathways to modify the course of disease, […]

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29 March 2021

Midlands Analyst Network Huddle – Population Health Management Introduction

On 25 March 2021 Andi Orloswki joined the Midlands Analysts Network ‘Huddle’ to give an overview of Population Health Management (PHM). The session was designed as a useful and informative […]

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25 March 2021

Recognition of ‘Insight 2020’ festival of analysis and learning

The International Journal of Health Governance has highlighted the Insight 2020 event organised by the Strategy Unit and the NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) in its editorial […]

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22 March 2021

Join us for impactibility workshop

The Health Economics Unit and NHS England will host an impactibility workshop during April 2021. Commissioned by NHS England, the workshops support the development of an ‘impactibility model‘ for use […]

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15 March 2021

COVID-19 effect on cancer referrals: a portrait of health inequalities

Following her talk at the HSJ National Cancer Virtual Forum on 11 March 2021, Heather Humphreys, updates about what we can learn by analysing the delivery and recovery of urgent […]

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