
19 April 2024

Join the HEU team at the Digital Healthcare Show

At the Health Economics Unit we are passionate about driving change in healthcare through digital tech, data, innovation and transformation.

That is why we’re excited to be sharing our work, experiences and ideas at this year’s Digital Healthcare Show.

Show attendees will be able to hear from and meet four of our brilliant team members, but if you just can’t wait, they’ve shared a sneak peek of their sessions just for you.

Closing the gap: Improving data literacy and digital competency to improve capacity and empower the workforce

Panel, including the HEU’s Dr Joseph Lillington, Senior Data Scientist, and Santosh Kumar, Lead Data Scientist.

Joseph said: “The power of looking at healthcare data is that it can help find connections that we as healthcare professionals might struggle to find.

“It can reduce some of the pressures faced by operational staff and lead to better health outcomes in the population.

“To do this, we need to have a workforce who understand the value of data, who can find insights using the right techniques, and present the results in the right way. Equally, programme commissioners need to support the use of data, and have frameworks in place for translating results into benefits.”

Joseph and Santosh will be joined by Laura Thompson, of Access Health, Support and Care, Hayley Grafton, of University Hospitals of Leicester, and Wajid Hussain, of Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, to discuss the strategies for achieving data literacy and digital competency.

System Efficiency and Workforce Transformation Theatre, 24 Apr 2024, 9.20-10am.

Data-driven Population Health Management: Where we are vs where we need to be (and the steps to get there)

Talk by Sophie Hodges, Lead Data Engineer, The Health Economics Unit.

Sophie said: “Population Health Management (PHM) isn’t new anymore, so where we need to focus next?

“I will be exploring how techniques are being used currently to support pressures in the system, considering a PHM philosophy to answer questions such as how do we design emergency departments to optimise patient flow given our population? Or how do we spend more efficiently for our population?

“There has been lots of great progress made since PHM became a thing, I’m keen to reflect on some recent highlights and discuss where we can focus next and how we can further stretch what we have.”

Read more about our PHM work.

Data, Analytics and Applied AI Theatre, 24 April 2024, 10.15-10.45am.

Analysis using an integrated data set regarding UK aging population to help inform policy

Talk by Andi Orlowski, Director, The Health Economics Unit.

Andi said: “With an ageing population in the UK, healthcare providers are increasingly having to plan and deliver care and treatments for elderly patients with multiple ongoing conditions.

“But which patient groups are most at risk? How can decision makers design effective services to reduce inequalities?

“Join my session to see the results of work undertaken by The Health Economics Unit to help answer these questions with an in-depth analysis of the elderly population in Northwest London.”

Read more here.

Data, Analytics & Applied AI Theatre, 25 April 2024, 10.30-11am

Case Studies: Where do we see tangible applications of AI and advanced analytics today?

Panel, including the HEU’s Santosh Kumar, Lead Data Scientist.

Santosh said: “Artificial intelligence and advanced analytics are revolutionising fields across the board, but their impact is particularly significant in healthcare.

“I’m excited to join this expert panel, presenting a series of case studies that illustrate the practical, real-world applications of these technologies in the sector.

“From improving diagnostic accuracy to predicting patient outcomes, we’ll be looking at how AI and analytics are making a tangible difference in healthcare today. This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and see how they are being applied to enhance service delivery and patient care.”

On the panel Santosh will be joining Avi Mehra, of IBM, Shanker Vijayadeva, of NHS England and Rachel Dovey, of Skin Analytics.

Digital Keynote Theatre, 24 Apr 2024, 12.50-1.20pm

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and STAR with patients, carers, clinicians and system leaders to help make resourcing decisions across an ICS

Talk by Sophie Hodges, Lead Data Engineer, The Health Economics Unit.

Sophie said: “I’m excited for this opportunity to share our work with STAR and MCDA, with a look at how we applied it to COPD to help us better understand and measure efficiency across our pathways and healthcare systems.

“By working together to make informed decisions, we were able to combine data, evidence, and expertise in a structured framework.

“These frameworks help us to tackle somethings that may seem intangible – like how do we compare the value of air quality and surgery?”

Read more here.

Data, Analytics and Applied AI Theatre, 24 April 2024, 2.30-3.15pm.

If the above has whet your appetite, then join us at the Digital Healthcare Show and come and say hello!

Our specialist services

This is a small selection of all the solutions we can provide.

Evidence generation

Understanding whether new care pathways and interventions are effective, efficient, and deliver value for money

Population health management

Using allocative efficiency techniques and population health analytics to improve value and deliver the best care possible

Advanced analytics

Using advanced techniques in machine learning, data science and casual inference to understand the biggest questions in health


Sharing our vast knowledge to develop NHS capability through training, research design advice and quality assurance